Archive for the 'MXit News' Category

MXit PC – The official PC Client!

MXit for your computer is officially here!

Download it from

MXit on PC with the phone emulator is still handy though – as you get to see the real original MXit version for your mobile on your PC! And you can understand what it would feel like to have it on your phone!

But for those who don’t have a phone – the new official MXit PC will provide you the fun you are looking for! πŸ™‚

MXit on CellC – Free for now

Well well well, it seems CellC is not charging for data usage (GPRS) for using MXit now!
Nice Christmas present for 2007 hay πŸ™‚

cellc logo

That’s awesome, and is sure to attract of a lot of new customers, well done CellC on actually listening to… me πŸ˜€

So if you are on CellC, MXit won’t cost you any GPRS/internet costs!
MXit Moola is NOT free though πŸ˜‰ Those premium SMSs will still cost ya if you want to purchase Moola to enter competitions or use cool entertainment services on MXit’s Tradepost.

Thanks Cell C for the free internet for MXit!
And the free weekend calls for 2 hours πŸ˜‰

CellC Free SMS @

MXit in your multi-language

MXit is available in many languages since Version 5.2!

  • Afrikaans – South African language.
  • German (Dutch/Deutsch)
  • English
  • Spanish (Español)
  • French (Français)
  • Italian (Italiano)
  • Portuguese (Português, Brazilian and European)
  • Xhosa (isiXhosa) – South African african language
  • Zulu (isiZulu) – South African african language

This will help if someone isn’t familiar with English language words on their mobile and are struggling to get MXit to chat with!
Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa are three other official languages spoken in South Africa, the country of creation of MXit.

I agree with the statements that the market for Xhosa and Zulu speakers is quite big in South Africa, as I experience a lot of feedback on my mobile wap site ( from native South African language speakers! And it’s quite an exciting new market.

Check out this for a quick language primer πŸ˜‰
At a time when MXit has reached 5.4 million users, there’s still much more potential left in the company from South Africa. At a solid 10-12K new registrations per day.

Visit to get MXit in your language now!

MultiMX – new in MXit V5.3

MXit version 5.3 is coming soon to a phone near you πŸ˜‰
MXit logo

What’s new in V5.3?

  • MultiMX (pronounced Multi Mix) – is MXit’s new group chatroom!
    So you can invite your contacts to join you in a private Group Chat for free!

Some info on MultiMX

1. The room is temporary (gets deleted after you logout)
2. Can only invite people from your contact list (roster) that are online.
3. Only the creator of the room can invite people to join.

All phones can join in a MultiMx chat session! (but just a few can’t create/invite)
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World first: Vote on Idols with MXit

Another great MXit Synergy:

Apparantly, you will be able to vote for the Idols singing competition via MXit.
idols logo za
This must be a world first, as I doubt any other competition has allowed for voting via Instant Messenger. As usual, South Africa is first when it comes to tech innovation.

Mxit will also become the official voting medium for talent search show β€œSouth African Idols” later this year.

Official – well, there will surely still be the SMS/phone call option of voting!

Idols Schedule / Times

The idols show on Mnet runs from Sunday 19 August – the first episode, up till the final on Sunday 9 December 2007.

Have fun!
And new: get MP3 Music Via Mxit even!

Mobile Music Downloads

MXit now allows you to download MP3s or songs or ringtones to your phone if it supports it!

Check out Tradepost on your MXit!

MXit – Exploding growth

How many users does MXit currently have?

Mxit just reached the 5 million users mark! (Wed, Aug 15, 2007)

Some MXit Facts

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New Mxit 5.2 Release

MXit V5.2 is to be released soon (3rd Quarter of 2007).
MXit v5
Try it out first if you are a Freestyler subscriber on MXit (See the Tradepost contact on MXit), you will be notified of the new release before everyone else.
Two weeks earlier than everyone else.
Currently only R2.50 per month for those extra premium services! Nothing compared to some R5 per day scams for ringtones etc that one sees advertized.

Why get Freestyler subscription on MXit?
You can save, send and receive your messages, greetings cards and pictures at no additional cost (beyond operator data costs).

On Thursday, August 16 2007 it will be available to Freestylers first to test out!

New features in 5.2?

Major Features

  • International languages – support for more alphabets/characters (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and German)
  • Secure/encrypted messages/chat – A new “send encrypted” option.
  • Voice Messaging/Chat (VOIP) – almost like “push-to-talk”.
  • – Not yet!

  • Meet Your Gallery – V5.2 allows ALL users to make use of the Gallery. (Previously exclusive to Freestylers)
    Save conversations, files, Skinz and more to your personal Gallery.
    25 items at a max size of 150kb.
  • Play Audio Files – on supported phones.
  • Broadcast (Group Messaging) – V5.2 allows you to broadcast a message to 10 contacts in a Group for FREE. (Previously exclusive to Freestylers)
  • Read the rest of this entry »

Mandoza on MXit Celebrity Chat Weekend

The MXit_Team is bringing you The King of Kwaito right to your MXit.
Yup, that is right!

On Saturday the 11 Aug 2007 between 7pm and 9pm, you will have the chance to chat to Mandoza within our new Dynamic Zones.

You will have the chance to chat to Mandoza within our new Dynamic Zones (through Tradepost on the MXit application).

This is MXit’s first Celebrity Chat Weekend which gives young people all over South Africa a chance to chat to their favourite stars, a chance that many teens only dream of, especially those living in remote areas. Aside from the fun, MXit will be involving local celebrities to reinforce the message of being safe and responsible online.

“I love using new technology, it’s how music spreads, it’s how I can reach out to more and more people. MXit is a cheap, easy way to chat to friends, or make new friends. People need to learn that they must be careful, and stay safe when online,” says Mandoza.

Mandoza Skinz – You’re unique! Skin your MXit

* Available from Tradepost soon *

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MXit Celebrity Chat Weekend

MXit has innovated once again…

MXit Celebrity Chat Weekend, where MXit brings you South Africa artists to the MXit chatrooms for their fans!

MXit is making technological history in South Africa by becoming the first to bring stars to have a live chat with fans over the MXit cellphone chat service.

This is MXit’s first Celebrity Chat Weekend which gives young people all over South Africa a chance to chat to their favourite stars, a chance that many teens only dream of, especially those living in remote areas. Aside from the fun, MXit will be involving local celebrities to reinforce the message of being safe and responsible online.

Keep watching the MXit Splashscreens (when you start MXit) as well as the Dynamic Zones (Chat rooms) for news and info as to when, who and where this will be going down.

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